The benefits of exercise for women with ADHD
Exercise is a top non pharmaceutical ADHD treatment, which can also be aided with the help of natural supplements. Below we will explore what these ‘benefits of exercise’ we keep hearing about are.
ADHD — or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder — is an ever increasingly common mental health condition. Women with ADHD may have a tough time paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors, are constantly overactive, or in fact lack any energy at all.
This is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) in the brain, primarily dopamine and serotonin. Performing regular exercise, whether an ADHD sufferer or not, promotes various aspects of brain health.

As we get older, our large arteries and veins stiffen, which in turn results in less efficient blood circulation throughout the body, particularly the brain. Cardiovascular exercise has been proved as one of the most effective ways to improve blood flow through the body which then aids in the prevention of memory loss.

Aid In Learning
A major factor in the ability take on and learn new information is the plasticity of the brain, and the ability of the nervous system to adapt to the new information being taken in. Again, regular exercise has been proved to be one of the quickest and most effective ways to improve brain plasticity. Or putting it another way, exercise plays a vital role in allowing us to retain the information to then perform new ‘skills’ by allowing our brain cells to communicate in different ways.

Mood Enhancement
One benefit I’m sure we are all aware of is the “feel good” factor of regular exercise. And no it’s not just a myth, regular exercise is a proven factor in improving mood and decreasing any feelings of anxiety or depression we may be feeling. This is due to a release of “feel-good chemicals from our brain, mainly endorphins and endocannabinoids which improve our moods post exercise.

Dopamine Production
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for the feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. ADHD sufferers possess lower levels of dopamine in the brain than those of the general population, which is why the production of dopamine is vital for the ADHD brain. What better way to achieve that dopamine hit than going for a lovely little bike ride in the woods or a stroll by the beach with the family to aid in this process??!

Aid In The Prevention Of Other Brain Diseases
Last but by no means least, whether an ADHD sufferer or not, exercise can play a vital part in preventing, or at least delaying, other onset brain diseases. With the general guidelines being around 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week.
So, there we have it, the benefits of exercise to that special ADHD brain of yours. But just remember… it doesn’t have to be a marathon, or a sprint… it can just be a walk to the shops with the dog to grab that pint of milk you forgot.