What supplements are best for women with ADHD?
Whether you take medication for ADHD or not it is important to supplement the brain for optimal brain health.
Supplements provide basic nutrients for optimal brain health.
ADHD symptoms in women can be poor focus, poor memory, brain fog, anxiety, restlessness, feeling overwhelmed, exhaustion and stress. So we look at the supplements that support these symptoms.
Noops have worked with nutritional scientists to develop a supplement that combines the key ingredients below to support women of all ages with ADHD. Shop here
ADHD in Women: Zinc
Studies show that zinc helps with hyperactivity and impulsiveness in women with ADHD however not inattention. High levels may be dangerous.
Studies also suggest that Zinc may allow changes in the dynamics of how neurotransmitters like dopamine is released. Allowing more dopamine to be released.
ADHD in Women: Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency is common amongst women with ADHD.Vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression, anxiety, brain fog, weakness and fatigue.
- Brain Fog
- Weakness
- Fatigue
ADHD in Women: Iron
Iron is crucial for brain function. Studies have shown that low levels of iron can worsen ADHD.
Cognitive Function
ADHD in Women: Magnesium
Women with ADHD often lack the right levels of magnesium. Magnesium helps cognitive function, anxiety, sleep, restlessness, Magnesium is essential for healthy brain function including attention and focus.
- Focus
- Attention
- Anxiety
- Sleep
ADHD in Women: Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Adding Omega-3 will improve ADHD symptoms. Omega-3 helps with attention, lack of focus, working memory issues and mood swings,
- Brain Health
- Attention, Focus
- Memory
ADHD in Women: Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba is a herb. Studies suggest that Ginkgo Biloba can help decrese the symptoms of ADHD. Increase brain function, reduce the symptoms of PMS, anxiety and depression.
- Brain Function
- Anxiety